Interviews Dos And Donts
Do your Home Work!
It is always good to have some general information about the company you are applying for, their operations, their values, financial position, competitors, products and services etc. and the role that you are applying for. These additional information would aid you to stand out from the crowd.
Do check the job description!
Read the job description fully and think of your past experiences that could be relevant and useful should you get the job. This is essential to be able to answer questions proficiently and show your dedication towards the company at this early stage.
Be Charged Up!
On the day of the Interview, look into the Mirror and tell yourself with a smile that you will crack this Interview! Listen to 'Motivational Speech' or 'Motivational Song' or songs which makes you happy.
Dress up Yourself:
Good first impression matters on the day of the Interview. Dress up neatly and professionally. Some companies prefer business casual, some full formal. Wear the best formal cloth you have.
Rehearse Prior:
Imagine & Visualize how you will shake hands & Introduce yourself with confidence. Always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing. Never close the door on opportunity.
Don’t leave things to the last minute:
Doing this will only leave you flustered and unprepared, instead, give plenty of time to collect information, get your outfit sorted, and be prepared.
Don’t talk negatively about your previous employers!
Don’t say anyting bad about your previous employer; this doesn’t come across in the way it is often meant. Remain positive about past experiences, it will work better in your favour.
Don’t ask anything and everything you want to. Be Relevant:
Always have a question ready at the end of the interview. If you want to look real prepared, have a few questions to ask. Ask only important questions regarding your work culture, clients, the work you’ll be doing,benefits etc.
Don’t just listen politely:
In an interview, do a little of both listening and asking. Listen for key words your interviewer says and weave your answers back. Don’t just use buzzwords your resume boasts to match the company’s keyword search. Use your judgement in answering and asking questions with confidence.
Don’t overstate yourself!
Never lie to interviewer. Answer all the questions with honesty, truthfulness and succinctly.
Don’t lose your focus and professionalism!
It is easy to be professional in an interview, but the second you are out of the interview room, you are look nervous or think about the outcome. Don’t discuss about the interview with your friends as it may put unnecessary pressure on you and the expectations.
Enquiry Details
Jobs: toptalent@talentpowerconsulting.com
Business: contactus@talentpowerconsulting.com